25 Years and Counting!

Years ago, if anyone had told me that I would work in the travel abroad business for 25 years I would, of course, have laughed. I never intended to make this my career, it was sheer luck and a big divergence from my previous career in the fashion world. I had taken a break from my job for a year and a half to take care of my newborn son and make that my focus.

9 Tips To Help You Afford Your Study Abroad Experience!

                For many college students, looking for ways to get funds to study abroad can seem like a never ending maze. They are often frustrated and confused about all the red tape that goes along with making their trip a reality. Often, the task seems impossible to achieve. But with a little clarification and a lot of good old fashioned willingness and work, study abroad can become your reality. Let’s talk about a few ways in [Read more...]

Upgrade From Economy To First Class For Only $20

Flying in economy class as we know it is no easy task. The lack of space or leg room, the pitiful miniature bag of peanut snacks, the ho hum service, makes one question if traveling is really worth it. Of course the huge price difference between economy and first class is the reason more travelers don’t, or can’t, opt for the upgrade. But what if you could upgrade your experience and feel like you are in first class? With a total budget of $20.00, I plan on upgrading my economy trip into a [Read more...]

Here Are a Few of My Favorite… Travel Things!

Every frequent traveler has a list of favorite items to bring along . I don’t mean your favorite chocolate bar (that’s a given!) or favorite book to read on long flights. I mean things that can come in handy and can be used for different purposes. Once you have a favorite, it will surely be included in your packing list!

7 Key Safety Reminders While Traveling Abroad

After 25 years in the travel business, I have advised, consulted, given tips and recommendations to numerous travelers. However, the number one question I get with considerable consistency is "Is it safe to travel?"  We live in a world where, most of the time, we receive more news than we care to handle 24/7. Regardless of what the news or headlines tell you, traveling abroad does not mean you are throwing yourself in a danger zone. With common sense and preparation, traveling anywhere, whether [Read more...]

Your First (or not) Flight Abroad

If you are a seasoned traveler, this section may seem redundant but don’t skip it, you might pick up some useful tips! Although this is mostly for the newbie flier that has questions about the entire process,  all travelers can use a refresher. Flying alone for the first time can be an overwhelming, if not frightful, experience. These tips will help you get over the anxiety and enjoy the trip!