Think before anything makes it into your suitcase.
Most people who know me well know that I am the queen of light packing. I have traveled to Europe for two to three weeks with just a carry-on and without compromising style! When you prepare for your trip you will be tempted to acquire a new wardrobe but please, don’t do it. If you can’t carry your suitcase on your own, you have over packed. Don’t expect porters to help you load your bags on trains, busses or taxis. Make sure you can handle your bag on your own. Up stairs and escalators! It is also important to have some empty space in your bags for souvenirs and purchases made while on your trip. A backpack (small) is a good idea for those who go on weekend trips. You will also find it helpful for grocery shopping, carrying your water bottle on field trips and for laundry day.
No matter how long your trip is, you only pack for one week and then wash!
Remember the following tips:
Only bring colors that work well together. My wardrobe consists of black, white and one other bright color to make things interesting. Don’t be tempted to bring outfits that can only be worn once during your trip. You need to mix and match and use accessories to make the outfit look different.
Each piece of clothing must go with every other item in your wardrobe. If something does not match, rethink the item, is it worth the precious suitcase room? Most of the time, travelers overpack and don’t wear at least one-third of what they bring on a trip. I am a big fan of separates (skirts, as opposed to dresses), that can be worn with different tops.
Bring one “special occasion” outfit that you can wear to each dressy event. If it is a “blendable” outfit that is not too flashy, no one will notice if you have worn it twice already. But this should also be able to dress down to use during your outings. A soft jacket and scarf can change the look entirely.
Accessories, accent pieces or scarves can change the look. Learn how to use scarves, inexpensive jewelry, a special accessory that makes you (and not the outfit) stand out. On a recent trip to Portugal, my black or white shirts stood out with colorful scarves.
No more than three pairs of shoes for the entire trip! Shoes take more room in your suitcase than anything else. Find a great pair of shoes that can be casual, comfortable and can also be used to dress up. Your beach flip flops can double as slippers, your flat sandals can be worn day or night.
Don’t despair; what you wear on your flight does not count. You can fudge a little with this extra outfit. Comfort on the flight is premium. This is the time to be cozy so you can enjoy your trip at destination time. This, however, does not mean you should wear pajamas on the flight!
1 sweatshirt and/or light sweater (for any temperature change), Good to wear on chilly flights!
1 light jacket, windbreaker, or rain jacket (NOT a heavy coat)
1-(2 max) nice outfits for going out at night
2-3 pairs of jeans/slacks
2-pair of shorts
4-5 casual shirts and tee shirts (plain t-shirts are the best for mix and match)
1 pair of dressy shoes that can be worn with casual outfits too
1 pair of sturdy, but comfortable shoes for walking like tennis shoes
1 pair of sandals for walking
1 swimsuit
Plenty of underwear and socks (enough for a week)
Sleeping wear and/or a robe (a long sweater can also double as a robe)
All you cosmetics/medicines/toiletries (including soap)/sunscreen in small travel sized containers. No one uses a full bottle of shampoo during a two week trip.
1 Towel
Remember, the fewer things in your suitcase on your way in, the more you can fit on the way out. You might want to consider bringing a small EMPTY duffel bag for souvenirs.
Very good advice.
I always pack too much and I think you hit the right balance here
Great point about bringing a change of clothes in our carry on! I haven’t traveled by plane much so that is something I would have completely forgotten to do.
Thanks Leah, you can’t imagine how many times this has been a life saver! You can travel more at ease knowing that if your luggage gets lost for a while, at least you can change your clothes upon arrival.
Yes, I always bring in my carry on a change of clothing (underwear, shirt at the least) and a sleep item–usually an oversized T-shirt which can also be worn over slacks if necessary. I also recommend bringing 2 towels. But these can be old ones to leave behind on the way back if necessary.
Thanks Margaret, towels are always needed and can be left behind, good point!
I am a notorious over packer. My philosophy has always been to take as much as possible so that I have plenty of options for what to wear. I will try to work on my packing by following your advice.